Sunday, August 21, 2011

Canine Flea Allergy

Flea dermatitis, otherwise referred to as canine flea allergy, is the most frequently detected variety of allergy diagnosed in dogs and is caused by the bite of a flea. It's the primary cause of itching in dogs, and it just takes the bite of one lone flea to bring about an allergy on a pet's skin. Flea allergies might leave the dog scratching and itching for somewhere from a couple of hours to a number of days and may take up to 3 days to a week to show up after the initial bite of a flea.

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The Causes of a Canine Flea Allergy

Fleas can only be observed on your pet when they are feeding. Similar to the mosquito, a flea will bite a dog and suck in blood for nutrition. As a flea does this, they will inject a small measure of saliva under the dog's skin that could have up to 15 individual allergy inducing substances. If your pet is sensitive to any one of the allergens that are injected by the flea, it will actuate an allergic response that leads to the canine scratching and itching. Approximately half of all canines will have to endure flea dermatitis, and though it is more often found in grown animals, puppies can likewise develop dermatitis.

Diagnosis of a Canine Flea Allergy and Recognition of Its Warning Signs

Dog owners typically do not know that their dog has fleas due to their relatively miniscule size and because of how difficult they often are to eradicate. Making the job of diagnosing flea allergies a lot more difficult is the fact that it merely takes one solitary flea to bring about flea allergies in dogs and symptoms may not be detectable for nearly 7 days after the bite of the flea occurred. There does not have to be an infestation of fleas to induce flea dermatitis in your pet. The warning signs of flea bites in dogs generally include persistent itching or biting of the coat and skin, inflaming of the skin, hot spots in dogs, and skin reddening. Because of the increased itching and scratching, loss of fur all over the animal's torso, primarily in the area starting from the middle part of the back to the start of their tail and in their hind legs region, may also be a very solid indication of flea dermatitis. The vet can also detect flea allergies in dogs utilizing modern blood and skin screening to find particular allergens and to eliminate other conditions including yeast, fungal and bacterial infections.

Flea Treatment Should Start Out With a Solid Flea Control Program

The initial step to any successful type of flea treatment will necessitate getting rid of fleas both on the dog and in your pet's localized surroundings. Even if you've got a strict flea control program going, it isn't out of the ordinary for canine's to still get an occasional bite from a flea. Dogs which spend a great deal of time outside may be a more arduous challenge.

Steroids and Desensitization as Treatments for a Canine Flea Allergy

A vet might frequently try the use of desensitization as a method of dog allergy treatment. It involves giving the animal a shot with minor measures of flea antigen over a certain amount of time, maybe for the rest of the animal's lifetime. This sort of treatment is normally a success in close to half of the patients, and can get really costly in the long run. Antihistamines and conventional medicines, like corticosteroids, are also generally recommended by veterinarians to alleviate dermatitis. These drugs can ordinarily grant relief for a canine flea allergy; however, it has been evidenced that there are significant side effects that come with using corticosteroids. In the end, this method of treatment might be counterproductive.

Herbal Forms of Treatment for a Canine Flea Allergy

Due to the side effects associated with using steroids, a lot of dog owners are turning to homeopathic remedies for a canine flea allergy. There are a number of all-natural ingredients in these holistic remedies that are not only safe for your dog, but effective. German Chamomile has been utilized for many centuries to soothe and cleanse the skin. Other herbs have also been shown to give enhancing total skin health and contribute restoration and soothing qualities to the skin, and include Cleavers, Marigold and Witchhazel.

More Information About the Canine Flea Allergy

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Treatments for Dog Fleas

Fleas are a major matter that every pet owner will have to contend with. Anyone who has a pet has most likely experienced the difficult task of having to rid your pet of fleas, a task that has usually proved to be more trying than it looks.

Fleas aren't simply a concern because they harass and instigate hours of aggravating scratching for your dog, but they could also lead to more significant complications such as flea allergies, dog tapeworms and in serious instances, anemia.

Owing to their astounding stamina, fleas are very tough to manage. The female might lay over 2,000 eggs in her existence, this indicates that an infection may strike suddenly and the eggs that she laid could subsist for a long duration in nature while just awaiting an acceptable victim. So it's important to get rid of dog fleas both on the animal and the fleas living in the animal's living area. The ideal locations to look for fleas include carpeting, rugs, bed linens and sand.

The Best Ways to Eradicate Fleas

To totally terminate fleas on your dog and in his or her surroundings, it's basic to be aware of the flea's life cycle. There are 4 stages which constitute the life span of the flea. Akin to nearly all insects, the fleas begins in the egg stage, grows into larva, and then advances to the pupa phase until finally making it to the adult phase.

The Flea Egg Stage

The fleas eggs are white in color and are so small that they are difficult to locate without using a magnifying glass. Although the eggs are first laid on the canine's skin, many will in time drop onto the ground to resume their trek to adulthood. Around 50 percent of the total flea populace consists of eggs. Depending upon the surrounding conditions, the eggs hatch in anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. The greater the heat and humidity in the surroundings, the sooner the eggs will hatch.

The Flea's Larvae Stage

Once the flea egg hatches, it enters the larva stage where it flourishes to around 1/4 inch in length. The flea larvae live on organic waste substances and in the adult flea's feces. They are uncomfortable in intense lighting and are inclined to go underground deep inside their existing living space, if at all possible in a temperate and moist location. Climate controlled homes are the perfect setting for the life cycle of the flea to flourish. Outdoors, larva development will only happen in moist, shaded areas.

The Flea Pupa Stage

Directly upon going into the pupae phase, the flea pupa grow a velvety and sticky protecting chrysalis. This chrysalis promptly forms a beneficial hiding spot as it becomes encased by debris and dirt. If encouraged by heat, carbon dioxide or by manual influence, like that in a hot and wet setting, an adult flea may emerge from the chrysalis in as little as five to ten days. As soon as the adult flea emerges from its cocoon, it may live for just a few days if it is unable to find a host. Pre-emerged adult fleas may survive inside the chrysalis for up to nine months. This is important for the reason that adult fleas still surviving inside the cocoon are impervious to insect repellents applied to the environment and can emerge a significant time after you utilize insecticides in your residence.

The Flea's Adult Stage

After the adult flea comes out from its shell, it will need to swiftly get a host because it requires blood in order to live. A few days subsequent to obtaining an acceptable host, the female flea will start laying in the vicinity of forty eggs per day. Adult fleas generally survive as long as 3 weeks. The full lifecycle of a flea can be completed in as short as 2 to 4 weeks, or as long as 10 months dependent upon environmental climate.

What to Look for in Treatments for Dog Fleas

There are many treatments for dog fleas that include shampoos, powders, sprays and on the spot preparations around to liberate your pet of fleas. Be certain to confer with a vet to opt for the most effective and safest flea insecticides for your home and dog.

Indoor Treatments for Dog Fleas

The majority of insecticides are merely of use against the adult flea, but environmental insecticides being used for dog flea control are becoming more highly developed. Your veterinarian can give you with flea pesticides having insect growth regulators that will help exterminate the flea eggs and larvae. Before spraying any indoor product, it's a good idea vacuum your carpeting and rugs to persuade the pre-adult fleas to emerge from their protective cocoon. Be certain to throw away the vacuum bag after its use. You should also wash the bedding your dog has layed down on.

Outdoor Treatments for Dog Fleas

Pay particular attention to dark, shady regions. Use flea insecticides made of an insect growth regulator and repeat every 2-3 weeks for three to five treatments.

The latest topical and oral flea formulations will considerably help you take care of the flea problem. With dedication and patience, you and your best friend will be rid of fleas in short order!

More Information About Treatments for Dog Fleas

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Skin Allergies in Dogs Cures

Have you started to find your dog itching and scratching more than normal? Is the scratching causing exposed cuts and loss of fur on your best friend? If so, this is a good indication that your canine friend may possibly be suffering from dog allergies. Dogs don't get the normal blotchy eyes and a runny nose the same way humans do when we have an allergy. Other indications may involve excessive itching of a specific area, or chewing of the paws until they bleed.

What Causes Skin Allergies in Dogs?

An allergic reaction can occur when an animal's immune system excessively reacts to given substances. The body will then manufacture antibodies as a type of protection when the cause of the canine's allergy comes into the body. The antibodies will next stick to immune cells in skin and various body tissues. So, when the allergens slowly enter tissue surfaces, the antibodies prompt the immune cells to exude virulent substances (called histamines) into the nearby tissue. This then leads to irritation and itching in the dog.

There are a number of things to think about when trying to figure out how to treat skin allergies in dogs and finding the cause of the condition. An allergy that affects a dog's skin is generally caused by at least one of these: food, fleas, and airborne particles.
  • Flea Dermatitis or Flea Allergy is typically brought on by saliva from a flea. That's why it is so imperative to rid your canine of fleas frequently.
  • Atopic allergy is brought on by the inhalation of airborne particles in the natural environment, like pollen, dust, cigarette smoke and mold spores, activate atopic allergies. If a pet has pollen allergies, the dog will exhibit signs, even if kept in the house as the allergens will come into the home. Sneezing, coughing and wheezing generally are signs of this type of allergy.
  • Food allergies are the third most common variety of allergy in dogs. The most probable causes for food allergies in dogs include: soy, milk, chicken, corn, wheat, eggs and beef. Queasiness and diarrhea usually are warning signs of this type of allergy in canines.
  • Contact allergy is the least frequently seen sort of allergy in dogs and is triggered by contacting something. Triggers could include wool, plastic and grass. Some dogs can have allergic reactions to particular chemicals in the household, but it isn’t very common.

Identifying Dog Allergies

A veterinarian may be able to identify the problem, though it might call for a process of elimination to identify the cause of the dog’s allergy and could even refer the animal to a veterinarian that’s a skin specialist. If fleas are ruled out, your pet could be put on an elimination food regimen for 10 weeks. Your pet is given food it has not eaten in the past, such as turkey, venison, and potatoes, with the old food being brought back progressively until the allergy reappears.

The allergen is thought to be one or more ingredients if the animals scratching is reduced by about one half of what it was beforehand. When testing for atopic and contact dog allergies, veterinarians utilize an intradermal allergy test that operates by gently anesthetizing the animal with small amounts of probable allergens that are injected into the skin on the shaved region. If your dog is allergic to a specific substance, the skin close to the area of the injection will become inflamed.

Treatments for Dog Allergies

Keeping the dog away from allergens and treating the symptoms of allergies in dogs are the most beneficial approaches toward treatment. Medications like steroids and antihistamines may be advocated to ease symptoms of itching and swelling in pets, but like all drugs they could come with harmful side effects and the lasting effects are still undetermined.

Long term usage steroids is discouraged since these medicines operate by restraining the immune system. Continued steroid use may eventually leave your pet vulnerable to diabetes, infections and further ailments.

Natural Remedies

Luckily for dog enthusiasts, there are a lot of nontoxic and natural remedies for skin allergies in dogs. Melaleuca alternifolia commonly applied as a topical to advocate skin health and keeping the animal’s skin clear while Althaea officinalis root is an exceptional and popular remedy for restoring the skin. Homeopathic treatments like Ledum and Apis have wonderful soothing attributes and are remarkably effective in soothing inflamed and irritated skin, or minute irritations and lesions.

More Information About Skin Allergies in Dogs Cures